This web site is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician with any questions you may have regarding your child's condition.
Copyright © 2001-2019 D.L. Hilton-Kamm, all rights reserved.
What causes HLHS?
What are my chances of having another child with HLHS?
Do I need an amniocentesis?
Do I need a C-section?
We're getting conflicting information on the fetal echocardiograms, why?
We're getting conflicting opinions on the best course of action why is that?
I'm confused about all of these doctors -- who does what?
Will we be able to hold the baby after delivery?
Will my family be able to hold the baby?
Should we donate blood now for our baby's surgery?
What is cord blood storage - and should we consider this?
What are the pros and cons of transplants and 3-stage procedures?
How long will we be at the hospital?
How much do the surgeries cost?
Will our insurance company allow us to choose the hospital we want to go to?
If we travel for the surgeries, when do we go?
Is it safe to travel while pregnant, or travel with the baby after surgery?
Does high altitude affect the baby?
What should we take to the hospital?
How long will we be in the hospital?
What special medical care is needed at home after surgery?
Can we put our baby in day care after the surgery?
Can we still go on our vacation that we planned for shortly after the baby's birth?
What restrictions will the child have in the long term?